The last weeks were so busy that I almost forgot to share my pictures from the 100 Yards Blockparty with you. But it was such a great day all in all that I want to keep its memory alive, even if it ended in a bad way for me - my car was broken into!
The funny thing about it is, that the thief stole specifically EARLY products. Unfortunately I had a new 4V Bag in the trunk, which I intended to deliver to a customer the next day. It was gone, as well as my own 4V Bag including a Mini and a Middle Pouch and a Mobile Case, all in a very used condition (apparently still precious). There were three pair of shoes and two nice branded jackets which were spared. (Yes, I have the tendency to turn my trunk into a closet.) At least this someone was nice enough to empty all my pouches, so that I still have my cards, my makeup and most of the other little things we carry in our bags. But the car was such a mess! I didn't want to take a picture and I hope I'll forget quickly about it.
But the Blockparty was incredible! Perfect weather and great music. I can hardly remember an event with as many beautiful people, and I was pleased to see quite a few wearing EARLY hipbags. The Pharcyde and Azari & III totally rocked and Nas just killed it! He played for almost two hours! You could really feel his connection to the crowd. It was so much fun and got even better when it started to rain. It was a very gentle rain that soothed the heat of the day which was still stuck in the 100 yards. Epic!
For all who missed it - check out the 100 yards video recap or the summing up below.